Dir. Oscar Hudson (2016)
Country of origin: England
This award winning short film follows Ben, a vulnerable young man finds happiness & belonging in the unifying throb of massive crowds. A short piece of docu-fiction about happiness, nations & massive football crowds. Covertly filmed amid the very real crowds of the European Football Championships 2016.
Community, Identity, Belonging, Nationalism, Us/Them Division, Polarisation, Extremism, The Outsider, The Other.
Social education planned for the activities will encourage young people to reflect on their community and strengthen their ability to think critically and stay open towards others.
Creative education young people will put into practice photographic and cinematic techniques inspired by the film. These exercises will lead the students to explore and notice the diversity in their community and work with them to find the places and stories which have been previously unheard.
LLW - Personal Development and Citizenship, English and Media, Moving Image Arts, Art & Design, Thinking Skills & Personal Capabilities
The lesson plan explores conventional and unconventional ways of introducing a character and includes embedded clips, film language analysis and a practical activity.
Students will:
This lesson plan explores conventional and unconventional ways of introducing a character and includes embedded clips, film language analysis and a practical activity.
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Opening Activity Worksheets
An Introduction to Film Language - Understanding Character
An investigation of understanding how characters are ‘usually’ introduced and how the director has used 'unusual’ techniques to introduce the main character Ben in Joy In People.
Through the applied cinematic film techniques of the director Oscar Hudson in Joy In People, students will develop an understanding from the outset of this film, a deeper awareness of the main protagonist Ben.