The Shortcut films have been organised into a thematic framework which include a range of topics and issues that are affecting young people today. These include: equality, racism, migration, poverty, addiction, social media, grief, the environment, sexuality, relationships, social activism and rights.
The films have been selected with the aim of making them as accessible as possible for young viewers; none of the films are more than 30 minutes and have teenagers as main characters meaning young people can identify with the stories.
Below you will find the films categorised by our thematic framework and also by subject area. In the resources for each film you will find many inspiring exercises that allow you to actively introduce a range themes and topics.
While all the Shortcut films are vital and appropriate for our young audience, a few do contain upsetting subject matter and/or strong language, so please be mindful of the emotions these films can potentially have in young audiences and please watch any film you intend to use prior to showing them to young people.