Eyes Of The Lighthouse

The story of the Eyes of the Lighthouse revolves around the troubled relationship between a girl and her father who living on an island. Left on her own by an over vigilant lighthouse keeper but distant father, the girl seeks comfort in the surrounding landscape. The sea becomes a close friend and, somehow, seems to respond to her state of mind, bringing her presents, joining in her games. Inevitably the girls complicity with the sea will conflict with the fathers duties and he will have to face up to his estranged daughter... and to the memories that disrupt his daily routine.
Directed by Pedro Serrazina, 2010.

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan One KS3 (Nerve)

The students will explore the emotive subjects of loss, death and dying by analysing the characters of Eyes of the Lighthouse and the direct impact that death has had on their lives.

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Lesson Two KS3 (Poland)

The student will explore the history of human relations with nature.

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Lesson plan (Portugal OFDL) MIA Material

Available 2021

Work Sheets

Worksheet One KS3 (Nerve)

The students will study the visual language of the film by using the worksheets to develop their awareness for the need for kindness and resilience. Developing an understanding of others feelings and actions are often masked by many behaviours.

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Eyes of The Lighthouse Q&A (Czech)

Eyes of The Lighthouse Q&A provides research material on the film and its subject matter.

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An Introduction to Film Language

Additional support material: An Introduction to Film Language using the 3C's & 3S's, Camera Shots and Angles.

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Additional Material

Links to further CLC NI Online Creative Media Resources and Tutorials

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